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Work Permits

Obtaining a Work Permit


All workers under the age of 18 are required by law to have a work permit on file at all times.

Work Permit Application

First page of the PDF file: StatementofIntenttoHire-StudentWorkPermit
  1. You must have a job to get a work permit.

  2. Download and print the Work Permit Application B1-1 (click on the image)

  3. Complete the form, including your full social security # and signatures of Student, Parent and Employer (use pen, blue preferred)

  4. After everything is completed, bring your application to the Career Center. DO NOT EMAIL THE FORM

  5. Mrs. Lindsay will review your eligibility and process the work permit request. Your signature is required on the work permit!

Food Handlers Card Information

To purchase Food Handlers Card or need more information, click the link below

San Bernardino Country Food Handlers Card

Labor Laws Information

Labor Law Guidlines from SBCUSD
First page of the PDF file: hoursofworksummarychart