Project Lead The Way(PLTW) Biomedical Honors Pathway
Whether discovering new cancer treatments or teaching healthy lifestyle choices to their communities, today’s biomedical science professionals are tackling big challenges to improve the future. Pacific’s PLTW Biomedical Science students are taking on these same real-world challenges – and they’re doing it before they even graduate from high school. Our students work with the same tools used by professionals in hospitals and labs; they engage in compelling, hands-on activities and consistently work in teams to find solutions to problems that may change how medical society operates. By the time the students are ready to graduate, they leave with core knowledge and technical skills learned in high school to navigate through the rest of their lives, on any career path they may take. The PLTW Biomedical Academy has achieved Linked Learning Gold Certification, the highest standard of excellence in the Linked Learning field.
PLTW Biomedical Sciences uses the APB Approach (activity, project, problem-based) to engage students in thinking critically, synthesizing comprehensively, and exploring collaboratively. In this series of courses, students gain mastery of important science standards, medical professionalism and systematic concepts, while building transportable skills that include problem-solving, critical and creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and ethical reasoning and mindset. The APB approach includes student-centered learning, the teacher as facilitator, real-world application, meaningful feedback and assessment, and a scaffold of learning experiences across curriculums to teach students how to solve problems and create innovative solutions.
Certificates & Experience earned through this program include:
Pharmacy Technology Certificate of Achievement HIPPA / OSHA
Precision Exams (Medical Forensics, Medical Anatomy & Physiology, Health Science Fundamentals, Soft Skills)
CPR/First Aid/AED
Precision Exams: Medical Anatomy and Physiology
Job opportunities with skills gained:
- Acupuncturist
- Medical Assistant
- Anesthesiologist
- Medical Imaging Tech
- Athletic Trainer
- Nurse
- Biomedical Engineer
- Ophthalmologist
- Chiropractor
- Orthopedic
- Dental Surgeon
- Assistant Pharmacist
- Dentist
- Plastic Surgeon
- Dietitian
- Psychiatrist
- Family Physician
- Radiologist
- Forensic Scientist
- Surgeon
- Kinesiologist
- Veterinarian
INDUSTRY SECTOR: Health Science and Medical Technology