Principal's Message
Dear Pacific Pirates and Family:
It is an honor to be the principal of Pacific High School, a school with a long history of distinguished alumni and traditions. It is our vision that Pacific High School be an exceptional school, committed to preparing all students to be socially responsible, lifelong learners who will thrive in college and careers.
Each year, I look forward to working with Pacific’s staff and families to continue our journey towards excellence. We are continuously improving our programs to best fit the needs of the students and the community. In order to continuously improve, we need the voices of all stakeholders to help us build and grow. One result of this continuous improvement work is our awards for civic learning and engagement. In 2017, 2019, and 2020 Pacific High School was recognized by the California Department of Education as a School of Distinction in Civic Learning. Pacific High School was recognized as PBIS Silver Award school by the California PBIS Coalition in 2022. Our Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Biomedical Pathway program, our Adobe Certification Pathway, and our Business Pathway are all recognized as Gold Linked Learning CTE Pathways a very coveted and rare recognition. Only 19 programs are Gold Certified in the State of California.
Research by SRI International shows that Linked Learning benefits students in urban, rural, and suburban settings. When compared with their peers in traditional high school programs, students in quality Linked Learning pathways complete more college preparatory courses, are less likely to drop out of high school, and are more likely to graduate within four years. Students entering ninth grade with low achievement scores demonstrate greater academic success in certified Linked Learning pathways and are more likely to enroll in college immediately after high school. In addition, English-language learners in certified Linked Learning pathways earn more credits compared with their peers in traditional high school programs. Among African-American students and students with low prior achievement who enroll in college, those in Linked Learning are more likely to enroll in a four-year rather than a two-year institution.
Additionally, we have many programs available to our students to help achieve our mission to provide meaningful, relevant, and rigorous opportunities to ensure all students graduate with the experience necessary to make a positive contribution in a global society. Many of our students take advantage of dual enrollment and take college courses for free. In the 2022-23 school year, we had students successfully complete 497 dual enrollment college courses. It is our goal that all students will be prepared to successfully think, act, and communicate in college, career, and life. Programs that we offer to support this goal are:
-Early College Opportunities (Dual Enrollment)
-Career Pathways & Certifications (CTE, Linked Learning)
-Honors, Pre-AP, & AP courses
-Cadet Corps
-Mentoring Program (The Cove)
-CAPS Afterschool Program
-Music Program
-Theater Program
-Upward Bound
-After school tutoring
-Robust Athletics Program
-Student Government
-International Academy (for students new the the United States)
-Education Talent Search
Our team is dedicated to providing the best educational and enrichment opportunities to all students. I invite you to partner with us in improving our systems, programs, and environment through active involvement. You might join us as members of our School Site Council, English Learner Advisory Committee, or Pacific African American Advisory Council, or you may stop in at a town hall forum, coffee with the principal, open house, or other school events. If you cannot join us in person, we always encourage your feedback via surveys sent home with your student or via mail. Be assured that your contributions and feedback are valued and help provide us with much-needed information to improve our educational systems.
Should you have questions, concerns, or ideas, please call our school office at (909) 388-6419 or email us at
Natalie Raymundo (Principal)